GLOHEALTH Organization



Welcome to GLOHEALTH Organization, a global network dedicated to making a positive impact worldwide. Witness the transformative power of our programs and volunteer work. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of our world, connect with kindred spirits, and actively contribute to building a brighter future. Through our dedicated volunteers, we have successfully raised funds to support children and provide emergency assistance to those in need. Be inspired by incredible stories and gain valuable insights through upcoming events and webinars. Contact us today to play an integral role in our mission for a lasting impact. Together, let’s forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow.

Inform, promote, train, prevent, assist, ease, accompany, notice, and denounce – these are the pillars of our commitment to global health at GLOHEALTH Organization. We inform about wellbeing, promote healthier lifestyles, and train in healthcare practices. Our goal is to prevent illnesses, assisting marginalized populations and bringing attention to crucial issues. Join us in creating a healthier, more equitable world. Together, we make a lasting impact on vulnerable populations and foster peace, development, and improved health outcomes for all.


all about us

Helping Us You Helping Them



GLOEALTH Organization has provided their Non Profit service approximately 7 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty to change for a better future and make people happy.

Stephen C. Spicer


We would never be greatful enough for the health education and the donations GLOHEALTH Organization keeps up collecting for us worldwide since 2020. We thank all their donors and pray for them.


Cameroon, Africa

In 2019 while my family and I moved to a host town due to political crises, not knowing how to survive, GLOHEALTH Organization gave us hope. To be sincere, we did not expect that type of humanitarian assistance from students.

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

Dschang, Cameroon

Since Roger Joined the Faculty of Medicine, his passion for public and Global health exploded. He used his organization (World Medical Students/ GLOHEALTH Organization)to train and motivate many of his peers in some important extracuricular activities for a medical and a health sciences student.

School Authorities (Faculty of Medicine)

University of Dschang, Cameroon


In GLOHEALTH Organization’s Education Department, we strive to enhance your medical training and professional development as a health sciences student. We achieve this by actively involving you in practical activities that directly relate to your field of study. Additionally, we are dedicated to equipping and empowering marginalized communities, enabling them to thrive and succeed.


In this Department, our priority is to extend support to vulnerable populations. Our dedicated team focuses on serving various communities, including orphans, homeless individuals, refugees, elderly individuals, pregnant women, and children. Together, we strive to raise funds and organize a diverse range of activities aimed at providing aid to these communities. Join us as we work towards making a positive difference.


In this department, our aim at GLOHEALTH Organization is to facilitate and optimize the training of healthcare professionals by sharing various theoretical and practical experiences. Students in health sciences play a crucial role in the gradual improvement of living conditions for local and global populations. Join us in our commitment to HEALTH & WELLNESS.

Households Assisted

Funds Raised

Orphans Assisted

Scholarships Offered

We Change Your Life & World

Meet Our Directors

Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa, Canada


Gatineau, Canada

Gatineau, Canada


Gatineau, Canada

Gatineau, Canada


Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa, Canada



Upcoming Activities: Get ready for the latest news and events from GLOHEALTH Organization. Stay engaged with our impactful initiatives that aim to improve well-being worldwide. Join us in making a positive difference within our community. Mark your calendars for inspiring, educational, and transformative upcoming activities. Let’s come together and create lasting change!

  Webbinaire: Défis de Santé Publique ; Perspectives Globales

Par: Roger & Aminata

16Mars 2024

16:00pm – Sur Teams

Micro Trottoire: Journee Internationale De l’Eau

Par: Aminata

22Mars 2024


GLOHEALTH Organization’s 3rd Anniversary: Volunteering 

Par: Gabrielle

18Mai 2024

1PM to 5PM – Shepherds of Good Hope, Ottawa


+1 (613) 240-2661



 689 Roanoke St, Ottawa, ON 

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,